Reasons Why You Need a Taco Bar at Your Wedding

There are countless reasons why you need taco bar catering at your wedding in Orange county. Whether you want to have an intimate gathering or a huge soiree, one thing that you should be sure of is that you have to ensure your guests are well-fed. Here is why you need a taco bar for your wedding.

For just an entrée, the wedding average per person is $15 to $22. By the time you factor in utensils, plates and other logistical items you need, you will have spent thousands of dollars. With a taco bar, you only need an average of $7 per person to feed your guests.
Universally loved
People love taco and it is hard to find a person that doesn’t enjoy at least one form of taco. From chicken, shrimp, to steak or ground beef, you can order the proteins you want and you will be able to satisfy every guest at your wedding. Everyone at the wedding will love taco bar catering in CA.
It keeps the party going
The best time to spend time with your relatives, friends and your new spouse is during your reception. It is also the time to party and have fun. You don’t want to waste your time waiting for food to be served. Some people don’t even like to stand in line waiting for the food. Taco bars will keep the line moving and this will allow each guest to throw their toppings on and enjoy. You should set the taco bar at the wedding so that two queues can go down either side of the table.
Toppings for everyone
With taco bar catering, there is a lot of options when it comes to toppings. Think of cool crisp lettuce, warm Mexican rice with black beans, and fresh salsa with cheese. There are a lot of ways you can keep your taco bar diet-friendly and treat yourself.
